Oilfield Microbiology
The bacterial analysis is one of the most overlooked aspects of water sterility in the oilfield industry causing reservoir souring and Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC). Using measuring techniques such as inoculation and Most Probable Number (MPN), ATP test, and even simple quick checks, we are able to provide customers with the solutions they need.
Reservoir Souring
Reservoir souring is the unplanned appearance and continuing increase in hydrogen sulphide (H2S) concentration in produced fluids associated with injection water breakthrough and occurring as a result of the down-hole activity by a specialized group of micro-organisms, the sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB)
Onsite Monitoring
We can support customers' requirements for onsite monitoring in the areas of hydrocarbon liquid and gas as well as water analysis onsite. From baseline studies to mapping H2S, mercury, corrosion, souring, water injection audit, and microbiology, we provide accurate and quick results in critical operations, whether it may be well testing or chemical optimization, that require decisions to be made real-time offshore.
Multiphase Pressurized Sampling Skids
When facing difficulties in collecting samples offshore, the multiphase pressurized sampling skid can be utilized to obtain liquid and gas samples in a safe manner. The portable separator sampling system is fully operated by use of panel mounted valves and instruments. The system has atmospheric sample outlets for water and oil, while gas can be sampled in a constant pressure cylinder. The separator vessel has a panel mounted direct reading level gauge, and a PRV to ensure no unwanted pressure build up in the vessel. Filters are installed on the inlet line, and a PRV will divert the flow to drain in case of clogging of the filter. A large filter house allows for longer operation before necessary cleaning or replacement of filter.